July 1st, 2011 | Category: diy
My mother-in-law gave me this plant stand a while back, and it’s been sitting in my garage collecting dust. I decided to give it a paint job the other day, and I think it turned out rather nicely! Here’s the before & after.

June 30th, 2011 | Category: decor, diy

Do you have some throw pillows at home that don’t make you happy? Maybe they came with your couch, you bought them in college and they are not your style, or they are just plain old and ugly? Well for that, my friends, I have a solution! I call them Pocket Pillows. (Not to be confused with these…..) Basically, my version of the pocket pillow is a cover that you can use to cover up ugly or old pillows, providing your pillows still have their shape and stuffing. One thing I have to apologize about before hand is this: I am not a good “pattern sewer”, so much of my sewing is guess work and more of a creative process than a technical one. I will do my best with the instructions, please feel free to ask questions in the comment section.
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June 28th, 2011 | Category: decor, diy

I started renovating my kitchen floor in March of 2010. I finished in December of 2010. As you can see from the picture above, when we purchased our home, our kitchen floor was blue and white, 1960’s, and carpeted. Gross. Not to mention, unsanitary. It had to go, and soon!
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